Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 21.djvu/439

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TatMgata; there is no other, be he disciple, Pratyekabuddha, or Bodhisattva, able to surpass thee in pious merit, knowledge, wisdom or meditation. Such a power of knowledge, Nakshatrarâgasaṅkusumitâbhia, will be acquired by that Bodhisattva.

Any one, Nakshatrarâgasaṅkusumitâbhia, who on hearing this chapter of the ancient devotion of Bhaishagyarâga approves it, will emit from his mouth a breath sweet as of the lotus, and from his limbs a fragrance as of sandal-wood. Such temporal advantages as I have just now indicated will belong to him who approves this Dharmaparyâya. On that account then, Nakshatrarâgasaṅkusumitâbhia, I transmit to thee this chapter of the Ancient Devotion of the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Sarvasattvapriyadarrana, that at the end of time, the last period, in the latter half of the millennium it may have course here in Gambudvlpa and not be lost; that neither M&ra the Fiend, nor the celestial beings called Mirak&yikas, N&gas, goblins, imps may find the opportunity of hurting it. Therefore, Nakshatrarâgasaṅkusumitâbhia, I bequeath this Dharmaparyâya; it is to be like a medicament for sick and suffering creatures in Gambudvipa. No sickness shall overpower him who has heard this Dharmaparyâya, no decrepitude, no untimely death. Whenever a person striving to reach the goal in the vehicle of Bodhisattvas happens to see such a monk as keeps this Sûtrânta, then he should strew him with sandal-powder and blue lotuses, and reflect thus: This young man of good family is going to reach the terrace of enlightenment; he will spread the bundle