Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 39.djvu/148

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Y <%<%     Par.; 2 suggests,. to .i,Dr_ Chalmers thetawelsl-knowinif lines of ‘ it 
Cj oy   %‘<% Bunyan as an analogue of it :·——· ~  
 ;ll    llll i ll`i   ` ‘ A man there was, though some did count him mad, i  
 `d‘l T ll%A`  xi llll j  = The more he gave away, the more he had.' <°<``lll_ill
 dglde   ii, TWO K bang brings together two sentences from K wang-gze i odtl E
 pi , (XXXIII, 21 b, 22 a), written evidently with the characters  
 of this text in mind, which, as from a Taoist mint, are gs iji
 soiy y I a still better analogue, and I venture to put them into  
             rhyme =—— »  
 ,  * Amassing but to him a sense of need betrays;  
 r,,,     He boards not, and thereby his affluence displays}  
 A r I have paused long over the first pair of contraries in ip
 *~l, {gf,-;:;, S   gpm'. 3   and   Thosé two characters primarily  
 ,lil   i y mean ‘ sharpness ’ and ‘ wounding by cutting ; ’ they are if
 ii,   also often used in the sense of ‘ being beneficialf and  
 ‘ being injurious; ’ — ‘ contrariesf both of them. Which settl
 iiili T ‘contrary’ had Lao-gze in mind? I must think the former, °i
 though differing in this from all previous translators. The 2  
 isrgs    teyi Jesuit version is, ‘Celestis Tao natura ditat omnes, s [
 iii.    nemini nocet;’ ]ulien’s, ‘ Il est utile aux etres, et ne  
 yyyfp   leur nuit point ;’ Cha1mers’s, ‘Benefits and does not yr? it
 iiii T M injure;’ and V. von Strauss’s, ‘Des Himmels Weise  
 s ist wolthun und nicht beschadigen} ·