Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 40.djvu/101

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      ¢% ‘A It »<W  iSj  ~A  0nly,~ the» complete man  ¥¢A who ‘ »»¢ can   Zi;

,}ff,f,]ip]Yi?` ybé [,0;]-;, Hgavenwardsaiiand good m£mWH1‘dS. ?

 <<<< i . V ,LOnly an insect can play the insect, only an insect iqiffiy

f V show the insect nature. Even the complete man y t<‘ t s I < if hates the <~en attempt to exemplify the nature of V

 W Heaven. M He; hates the manner in which men do   h,A;n ¥`  $n 
 ~ so, and how much more would he hate thedoing so »tpes   hvahe
 by himself before men! ` T M  

M When a bird came in the way of l, he was sure

 to obtain it ;-—-such was his mastery with his bow.     eyip

lf all the world were to be made a cage, birds would have nowhere to escape to. Thus it was that Thang caged l Yin by making him his cook 1, and Ii M Y A ,y,,,,a that duke Mu of K/zin caged Pai-li Hsi by giving , the skins of five rams for him 2. But if you try to i j, Qi, V Cage men by anything but what they like, you will isiaiu V never succeed. A man, one of whose feet has been cut off dis-· cards ornamental (clothes) ;—his outward appearance will not admit of admiration. A criminal under 4 ‘ii,iit sentence of death will ascend to any height without a ifii T ygis i fear ;——-—he has ceased to think of life or death. _ Y i VVhen one persists in not reciprocating the gifts (of friendship), he forgets all others. Having for- W cf _sii . A a gotten. all others, he may be considered as a W it s Heaven-like man. Therefore when respect is shown to a man, and it awakens in him no joy, and when contempt awakens no anger, it is only one who shares in the Heaven—like harmony that can be thus. t ..,i V\/`hen he would display anger and yet is not angry, the anger comes out in that repression of it. Wherm ` he would put forth action, and yet does not do so, A ‘ See Mencius V, i, 7. 2 Mencius V, i, 9.