Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 42.djvu/65

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Brahman felt that he stood in special need of asserting his dignity.

The office of Purhoita in the ritual texts.

Even more energetic are the demands of the liturgical texts in the matter of the office of purohita who is known also by the name of brahman and purohita in the guru. The king who rules the country shall seek a wise Brahman (brahmawam). He verily is wise that is skilled in the bhrigu and aṅgiras; for the bhrigu and aṅgiras act as a charm against all ominous occurrences, and protect everything' (Kaus. 94, 2-4; cf. 126, 2). The equivalence of brahman, purohita, and guru is guaranteed by comparing with this Ath. Paris. 3, 1, kulinam srotiyam bhrigvaṅgirovidam . . . gurum vriniyâd bhupatih and 3, 3, tasmad bhrigvaṅgirovidam . . . kuryât purohitam. Cf also 2, 2, brahmâ tasmâd atharvavit. Conversely, 'The gods, the Fathers, and the twice-born (priests) do not receive the oblation of the kins: in whose house there is no guru that is skilled in the Atharvan ' (2, 3). Cf Weber, Omina und Portenta, p. 346 ff.; Ind. Stud. X, 138; Sâyana, Introduction to the AV., p. 6. In Kauj. 17, 4 ff . the king and the purohita (Dârila: râgâ., purodhâh) are seen in active co-operative practice at the consecration of the king; and again (brahmâ râgâ ka.) in 140, 4 ff. at the indramahotsava-festival.

The Atharva-pari.yishtas are not content with these strong recommendations of their own adherents, but they would have the adherents of the other Vedas, yea even of certain branches (sâkhâ) of the Atharvan itself, excluded from the purohiti: ' The Atharvan keeps off terrible occurrences, and acts as a charm against portentous ones . . . not the adhvaryu, not the khandoga., and not the hahvrika. . . . The bahvrika destroys the kingdom, the adhvaryu destroys sons, the khandoga dissipates wealth; hence the guru must be an Âtharvana. ... A Paippalada as guru increases hap- piness, sovereignty, and health, and so does a Saunakin who understands the gods and the mantras. . . . The king whose purodhâ is in any way a Galada or a Mauda is deposed from his kingdom within the year ' (Ath. Paris.