Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 49.djvu/471

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Vol. XXXIII. The Minor Law-books.

Translated by Julius Jolly. Part I. Narada, Brihaspati. 8vo, cloth, 10s. 6d.

Translated by G. Thibaut. 8vo, cloth, 12s. 6d.

Vol. XXXV. The Questions of King Milinda. Part I.

Translated from the Pâli by T. W. Rhys Davids. 8vo, cloth, 10s. 6d.

Vol. XXXVI. The Questions of King Milinda. Part II.

[In the Press.]

Part I. Translated by E. W. West. 8vo, cloth, 15s.

Vol. XXXVIII. The Vedânta-Sûtras. Part II.

[In the Press.]

Vols. XXXIX and XL. The Sacred Books of China.

The Texts of Tâoism. Translated by James Legge. 8vo, cloth, 21s.

Vol. XLI. The Satapatha-Brâhmana. Part III.

Translated by Julius Eggeling. 8vo, cloth, 12s. 6d.

Vol. XLII. Hymns of the Atharva-veda.

Translated by M. Bloomfield. [In preparation.]

Vols. XLIII and XLIV. The Satapatha-Brâhmana.

Parts IV and V. [In preparation.]

Vol. XLV. The Gaina-Sûtras. Part II.

[In the Press.]

Vol. XLVI. The Vedânta-Sûtras. Part III.

[In the Press.]

Vol. XLVII. The Contents of the Nasks. Part II.

[In preparation.]

Vol. XLVIII. Vedic Hymns. Part II.

[In preparation.]

Vol. XLIX. Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts.

Buddha-karita, translated by E. B. Cowell. Sukhâvatî-vyûha,Vagrakkhe-dikâ, &c, translated by F. Max Müller. Amitâyur-Dhyâna-Sûtra, translated by J. Takakusu. [Now ready.]