Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 9.djvu/212

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the qurʼân.
ⅩⅬ, 57-66

celebrate the praise of thy Lord in the evening and in the morn.

Verily, those who wrangle concerning the signs of God without authority having come to them, there is naught in their breasts but pride ; but they shall not attain it : do thou then seek refuge in God ; verily, He both hears and looks !

Surely the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of man : but most men know it not.

60 The blind and the seeing shall not be deemed alike, nor those who believe and do right and the evildoer ; little is it that they remember.

Verily, the Hour will surely come; there is no doubt therein ; but most men do not believe !

And your Lord said, ‘ Call upon me, I will answer you ; verily, those who are too big with pride to worship shall enter into hell, shrinking up.’

God it is who has made for you the night to repose therein, and the day to see by; verily, God is Lord of grace to men, but most men give no thanks !

There is God for you ! your Lord ! the creator of everything ! there is no god but He, how then can ye lie[1]? 65 Thus did those lie who gainsaid the signs of God.

God it is who has made for you the earth as a resting-place, and a heaven as building, and has formed you and made excellent your forms ; and has provided you with good things ! there is God for you ! — your Lord ! then blessed be God, the Lord of the worlds !

  1. Or ‘ turn away.’