Page:Sallust - tr. Rolfe (Loeb 116).djvu/432

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need is there of decrees? What need of Catulus' help? Surely it is in vain that he and other good citizens are taking thought for the republic.

But have your way! Gain the protection of Cethegus and the other traitors, who are eager to renew the reign of pillage and fire and once more to arm their hands against our country's gods. Or if you prefer liberty and justice, pass decrees worthy of your reputation, and thus increase the courage of your brave defenders. A new army is ready, besides the colonies of veterans, all the nobles, and the best leaders; fortune attends the stronger; soon the forces which our negligence has assembled will melt away.

Therefore this is my recommendation: whereas Marcus Lepidus, in defiance of the authority of this body and in concert with the worst enemies of their country, is leading against this city an army raised on his own authority, therefore be it resolved that Appius Claudius the interrex,[1] with Quintus Catulus, the proconsul and others who have military power, shall defend the city and see to it that no harm come to our country.[2]

  1. Taking the place of the consuls for 77 B.C., who at this time (the end of January) had not yet been elected.
  2. See Cat. xxix. 2–3.