Page:Samantha on Children's Rights.djvu/159

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Little Delight burnt up the world a week ago last Wednesday, somewhere along about the middle of the forenoon.

She stayed here three days and four nights, while her Pa and Ma went to North Scriba to his folkses on a visit. Diphtheria wuz ragin' there among the little children, and we none of us wuz willin' to let Delight go. And they thought that they must go, for Barzilly Minkley, who hadn't been in this part of the country for years and years, had come home to his folkses on a visit (Barzilly is Whitfield's own cousin on his father's side), and all the Minkleys wuz invited to the old Minkley homestead to visit with him.

Whitfield wanted to go, but didn't want to unless Tirzah Ann went. I approved of their goin', and told Tirzah Ann I would help her all I could. I helped her make a new cashmere dress and a blue wool travelin' dress, and told her she could wear my new waterproof in welcome, hern wuz a old one. And I told her I would take care of little Delight and take it as a privelige. So they started early on a Tuesday mornin', and we went after the child Monday night, so's not to belate 'em on their journey. And it wuz on the Wednesday follerin' about ten o'clock in the forenoon that she burnt up the world.