Page:Samantha on Children's Rights.djvu/196

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her atmosphere, drinkin' it down with their milk (they wuz both brung up on a bottle, Miss Greene Smythe thinkin' it more genteel). And Algernon would lie now in such a picturesque, dashin' way as to fairly stunt anybody to hear it.

And Angenora follered on as fast as her temperament and nateral nater would let her. She said the children wuz with the nurses most all the time, for Miss Greene Smythe and Medora wuz out nights, and when they wuz to home they didn't seem to have time to pay any attention to the children, and she said little Angenora herself wuz out nights sometimes till one and two o'clock to children's parties, and eat rich stuff and drunk coffee and champagne at midnight, and that wuz another thing that made her so bad lately.

Sez I, "Our grandchildren have parties, but they invite their little comrades of both sects to come in the afternoon, and they play games, blind man's buff, and tag, and they have swings, and they play with dolls and balls and marbles jest like the babies they are, and at six o'clock they have a good hullsome supper, sweet bread and butter, and a little briled chicken mebby, and one kind of good plain cake baked and frosted in pretty shapes to please the childish eye, and plenty of ripe fruit, oranges, etc., and a little candy, and good chocolate with cream in it to drink, and they home by sundown, happy and tired, a good, healthy tire, that makes 'em sleep like tops and wake up refreshed to meet the mornin' greetin' of the rising sun, ready and willin' to tackle their lessons or their play agin."

Well, she said, "That wuzn't Miss Greene Smythe's way, and," sez she, "it is killin' Angenora, her little