Page:Samuel Gompers - Out of Their Own Mouths (1921).djvu/192

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Far from denying this governmentally subsidized propaganda the entire Bolshevist press of the world openly boasts of it.

In the report of the Executive Committee of the Communist Internationale to the Second World Congress of the Communist Internationale, Zinoviev wrote:

Russian workmen, to whom the progressive workmen of other countries have rendered brotherly assistance during the course of two decades, have considered it their proletarian duty now to render similar brotherly assistance to the struggling proletariat that is in more difficult material circumstances.

With respect to the assistance in money which the Communist International has rendered to brotherly parties, the yellow Social Democrats, with the support of the tatlers of the bourgeoisie press, have raised a lot of noise in various countries of Europe. People who do not consider it disgraceful to use material support given by the brigand-like League of Nations raise shouts of protest because the workmen (!) of one country support their brothers in another country.

The workmen themselves did not take this attitude toward the matter. The Italian Communists, for example, practically declared quite openly that some of their party organizations were able to be founded only because the Communist International rendered brotherly assistance to the Italian workmen. The workmen communists in other countries have made similar declarations. …

The entire western European bourgeois press, which is bought up by capital, has not ceased to throw dirt at communism because of the subsidy which the daily British Socialist paper, "Daily Herald," was receiving from the Russian proletariat.

This last statement was publicly denied by the Lon-