Page:Samuel Gompers - Out of Their Own Mouths (1921).djvu/241

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ganda that is consciously or unconsciously directed to aid the Soviet government of Russia against the interests of our people. I therefore trust that I am not asking too much.

Yours very truly,

(Signed) Sam'l Gompers.
American Federation of Labor.

Hon. Charles Evans Hughes,
Secretary of State,
Washington, D. C.

Here is the response of the Secretary of State:


Mr. Samuel Gompers,
President, American Federation of Labor,
Washington, D. C.


The receipt is acknowledged of your letter of March 15, 1921, in regard to the trade relations between the United States and Russia.

I recognize the interest of the American people in the questions you raise and I take pleasure in replying in detail to them.

In reply to your first statement, it is evident that after years of war, during which normal industry was diverted to the production of war supplies and accumulated stocks were consumed, Russia does not now possess important quantities of commodities which might be exported. It should be remembered that in addition to the period of the war against Germany, Russia has now passed through more than three years of a civil war during which industrial activities have been almost completely paralyzed. In fact the devastation of industry in Russia has been so complete, the poverty of the country is so