Page:Samuel Gompers - Out of Their Own Mouths (1921).djvu/46

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The Bolshevists have frequently declared that the foundation of their whole movement is propaganda. This, in itself, is an amazing confession, but more amazin still is their frank avowal of the character of this propaganda. The ninth Communist Congress (March–April, 1920) says on this subject:

The first condition of the success of the Soviet Republic in all departments, including the economic, is chiefly systematic printed agitation.

As to the nature of the propaganda, we have the following historic utterance of the Bolshevist high priest himself in regard to the methods to be used in order to destroy the labor unions:

We must know how to apply at need, knavery, deceit, illegal methods, hiding truth by silence, in order to penetrate to the very heart of the trade unions, to remain there and to accomplish there the Communist task.—Lenin, in "Radicalism, the Infantile Malady of Communism!"

It must not be supposed for one moment that the childlike stupidity involved in this public pronouncement of the intent to deceive is exceptional for the