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(1111), is used adverbially, while certain kinds of compounds are thus used to such an extent that the Hindu grammarians have made of them a special adverbial class (1313).

e. Special cases are occasionally met with: thus, brahmacáryam uvāsa (ÇB.) he kept a term of studentship; phalám pacyánte (MS.) they ripen their fruit; gā́ṁ dīvyadhvam (MS., S.) gamble for a cow.

277. The accusative is, of course, freely used with other cases to limit the same verb, as the sense requires. And whenever it is usable with a verb in two different constructions, the verb may take two accusatives, one in each construction: and such combinations are quite frequent in Sanskrit. Thus, with verbs of appealing, asking, having recourse: as, apó yācāmi bheṣajám (RV.) I ask the waters for medicine; tvām ahaṁ satyam icchāmi (R.) I desire truth from thee; tvāṁ vayaṁ çaraṇaṁ gatāḥ (MBh.) we have resorted to thee for succor; — with verbs of bringing, sending, following, imparting, saying: as, gurutvaṁ naraṁ nayanti (H.) they bring a man to respectability; sītā cā ’nvetu māṁ vanam (R.) and let Sītā accompany me to the forest; supéçasam mā́ ’va sṛjanty ástam (RV.) they let me go home well adorned; tām idam abravīt (MBh.) this he said to her; — and in other less common cases: as, vṛkṣám pakvám phálaṁ dhūnuhi (RV.) shake ripe fruit from the tree; tā́ṁ viṣám evā́ ’dhok (AV.) poison he milked from her; jitvā rājyaṁ nalam (MBh.) having won the kingdom from Nala; ámuṣṇītam paṇíṁ gā́ḥ (RV.) ye robbed the Paṇi of the kine; draṣṭum icchāvaḥ putram paçcimadarçanam (R.) we wish to see our son for the last time.

a. A causative form of a transitive verb regularly admits two accusative objects: thus, devā́ṅ uçatáḥ pāyayā havíḥ (RV.) make the eager gods drink the oblation; óṣadhīr evá phálaṁ grāhayati (MS.) he makes the plants bear fruit; vaṇijo dāpayet karān (M.) he should cause the merchants to pay taxes. But such a causative sometimes takes an instrumental instead of a second accusative: see 282 b.

278. Uses of the Instrumental. The instrumental is originally the with-case: it denotes adjacency, accompaniment, association — passing over into the expression of means and instrument by the same transfer of meaning which appears in the English prepositions with and by.

a. Nearly all the uses of the case are readily deducible from this fundamental meaning, and show nothing anomalous or difficult.

279. The instrumental is often used to signify accompaniment: thus, agnír devébhir ā́ gamat (RV.) may Agni come hither along with the gods; marúdbhī rudráṁ huvema (RV.) we would call Rudra with the Maruts; dvāpareṇa sahāyena kva yāsyasi (MBh.) whither wilt thou go, with Dvāpara for companion? kathayan nāiṣadhena (MBh.) talking with the Nishadhan. But the relation of simple accompaniment is more often helped to plainer expression by prepositions (saha etc.: 284).