Page:Sanskrit Grammar by Whitney p1.djvu/276

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664. remove, mid.: thus, jíhīte, jihīdhve, jíhate; jihīṣva, jihatām; ájihīta, ajihata. ÇB. has jihīthām (for jihāthām).

665. quit, act. (originally identical with the former), may further shorten the ī to i: thus, jahāti, jahīta, jahītāt (AV.); jahimas (AV.), jahitas (TB.), jahitam (TA.), ajahitām (TS. AB.). In the optative, the radical vowel is lost altogether; thus, jahyām, jahyus (AV.). The 2d sing. impv., according to the grammarians, is jahīhi or jahihi or jahāhi; only the first appears quotable.

a. Forms from an a-stem, jaha, are made for this root, and even derivatives from a quasi-root jah.

666. give, mid.: thus, rarīdhvam, rarīthās (impf. without augment); and, with i in reduplication, rirīhi. But AV. has rarāsva.

a. In these verbs, the accent is generally constant on the reduplicating syllable.

667. The two roots and dhā (the commonest of the class) lose their radical vowel altogether in the weak forms, being shortened to dad and dadh. In 2d sing. impv. act., they form respectively dehí and dhehí. In combination with a following t or th, the final dh of dadh does not follow the special rule of combination of a final sonant aspirate (becoming ddh with the t or th: 160), but — as also before s and dhv — the more general rules of aspirate and of surd and sonant combination; and its lost aspiration is thrown back upon the initial of the root (155).

668. The inflection of √dhā is, then, as follows:

Present Indicative.
active. middle.
s. d. p. s. d. p.
1 dádhāmi dadhvás dadhmás dadhé dádhvahe dádhmahe
2 dádhāsi dhatthás dhatthá dhatsé dadhāthe dhaddhve
3 dádhāti dhattás dádhati dhatté dadhā́te dádhate
Present Optative.
1 dadhyā́m dadhyā́va dadhyā́ma dádhīya dádhīvahi dádhīmahi
etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
Present Imperative.
1 dádhāni dádhāva dádhāma dádhāi dádhāvahāi dádhāmahāi
2 dhehí dhattám dhattá dhatsva dadhāthām dhaddhvam
3 dádhātu dhattā́m dádhatu dhattām dadhātām dadhatām
1 ádadhām ádadhva ádadhma ádadhi ádadhvahi ádadhmahi
2 ádadhās ádhattam ádhatta ádhatthās ádadhāthām ádhaddhvam
3 ádadhāt ádhattām ádadhus ádhatta ádadhātām ádadhata