Page:Sanskrit Grammar by Whitney p1.djvu/296

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Irregularities of the a-class.

745. A few verbs have irregular vowel-changes in forming the present-stem: thus,

a. ūh consider has guṇa-strengthening (against 240): thus, óhate.

b. kṛp (or krap) lament, on the contrary, remains unchanged: thus, kṛ́pate.

c. guh hide has prolongation instead of guṇa: thus, gū́hati.

d. kram stride regularly lengthens its vowel in the active, but not in the middle: thus, krā́mati, krámate; but the vowel-quantities are somewhat mixed up, even from the oldest language down; — klam tire is said to form klāmati etc., but is not quotable; — cam with the preposition ā rinse the mouth forms ā́cāmati.

e. In the later language are found occasional forms of this class from mṛj wipe; and they show the same vṛddhi (instead of guṇa) which belongs to the root in its more proper inflection (627): thus, mārjasva.

f. The grammarians give a number of roots in urv, which they declare to lengthen the u in the present-stem. Only three are found in (quite limited) use, and they show no forms anywhere with short u. All appear to be of secondary formation from roots in or ar. The root murch or mūrch coagulate has likewise only ū in quotable forms.

g. The onomatopoetic root ṣṭhīv spew is written by the grammarians as ṣṭhiv, and declared to lengthen its vowel in the present-system: compare 240 b.

746. The roots daṅç bite, rañj color, sañj hang, svañj embrace, of which the nasal is in other parts of the conjugation not constant, lose it in the present-system: thus, dáçati etc.; sañj forms both sajati and sajjati (probably for sajyati, or for sasjati from sasajati); math or manth has mathati later. In general, as the present of this class is a strengthening formation, a root that has such a nasal anywhere has it here also.

747. The roots gam go and yam reach make the present-stems gáccha and yáccha: thus, gácchāmi etc.: see 608.

748. The root sad sit forms sī́da (conjectured to be contracted from sisda for sisada): thus, sī́dāmi etc.

749. Transfers to this class from other classes are not rare, as has been already pointed out above, both throughout the present-system and in occasional forms. The most important cases are the following:

a. The roots in ā, sthā stand, drink, and ghrā smell, form the present-stems tíṣṭha (tíṣṭhāmi etc.), píba (píbāmi etc.), and jíghra (jíghrāmi etc.): for these and other similar cases, see 671–4.

b. Secondary root-forms like inv, jinv, pinv, from simpler roots