Page:Sanskrit Grammar by Whitney p1.djvu/379

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(RV.). In tyāi, the only examples noted are ityāí (RV.) and sā́ḍhyāi (MS. AB.).

b. With aye are formed iṣáye, tujáye, dṛçáye, maháye, yudháye, sanáye; and citáye (VS.), gṛhaye (K.).

976. The ending dhyāi is, more than any other, irregular and various in its treatment. It has always an a before it; and in the majority of cases it is accented upon this a, and added to a weak form of root: thus, çucádhyāi, pṛṇádhyāi, dhiyádhyāi, huvádhyāi. But the form of root is the strong one in a few cases: namely, çayádhyāi, stavádhyāi, tarádhyāi, jarádhyāi, mandádhyāi, vandádhyāi. In half-a-dozen forms, again, the root has the accent: namely, kṣáradhyāi, gámadhyāi, yájadhyāi (but once or twice also yajádhyāi), váhadhyāi, sáhadhyāi, bháradhyāi. In a single instance, píbadhyāi, the suffix is added distinctly to a present-stem; and in one, vāvṛdhádhyāi, to a perfect stem. Finally, in a number of instances (ten), this infinitive is made from a causative stem in ay: thus, mādayádhyāi, riṣayádhyāi, etc.

a. This infinitive is by no means rare in RV., being made in thirty-five different forms (with seventy-two occurrences). But it is hardly known outside of the RV.; the AV. has it but once (in a passage found also in RV.); and elsewhere half-a-dozen examples have been noticed, in mantra-passages (one of them TS. falsely reads gámadhye); in the Brāhmaṇa language proper it appears to be entirely wanting.

977. An example or two are met with of an infinitive in ṣyāi: thus, róhiṣyāi (TS.), avyathiṣyāi (K. Kap.; MS. avyáthiṣe; VS. vyathiṣat), and perhaps -dhāsyāi (PGS.).

978. The infinitives in ṣaṇi are: iṣáṇi (?) from √iṣ send, -bhūṣáṇi from √bhū; çūṣáṇi from √çū or çvā; neṣáṇi from √; sakṣáṇi from √sah; parṣáṇi from √pṛ, tarīṣáṇi from √tṛ; and gṛṇīṣáṇi and -stṛṇīṣáṇi from √√gṛ and stṛ — the last containing evident present tense-signs (compare the 1st sing. gṛṇīṣé, 894 d).

979. The only infinitive in tari is dhartári (with its compound vidhartári), from √dhṛ.

Uses of the Infinitives.

980. The uses of the so-called infinitives are for the most part closely accordant with those of the corresponding cases from other abstract nouns. Thus:

981. The accusative, which is made only from the root-noun and the noun in tu, is used as object of a verb.

a. Especially, of forms from the root çak be able, and arh be worthy, have the right or the power. Thus, çakéma tvā samídham (RV.) may we accomplish thy kindling; mā́ çakan pratidhā́m íṣum (AV.) may they not be able to fit the arrow to the string; máno vā́ imā́ṁ sadyáḥ páry-