Page:Sanskrit Grammar by Whitney p1.djvu/479

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lively, ásira missile, sthávira firm; and sthira hard, and sphirá fat, with displacement of final radical ā; also sarirá wave (usually salilá). With īra are made gabhīrá or gambhīrá profound and çávīra mighty, and perhaps çárīra body.

f. With ura are made a few words, of some of which the secondary character is probable: thus, aṅhurá (aṅhu-ra?) narrow, ásura (ásu-ra?) living, chidura tearing, bhan̄gurá breaking, bhāsura shining, bhidura splitting, medura fat, yādura uniting, vithura tottering, vidura knowing, vidhura lacking. With ūra, apparently, are made sthūrá stout (compare sthávira), kharjū́ra a tree, mayū́ra peacock (or imitative?).

1189. ल la. This suffix is only another form of the preceding, exchanging with it in certain words, in others prevalently or solely used from their first appearance.

a. Conspicuous examples of the interchange are çuklá, sthūlá, -miçla, çithilá, salilá.

b. Examples of the more independent use are: pālá protecting, ánila (or aníla) wind, tṛpála joyous; later capala and tarala (said to be accented on the final), and harṣula (the same). Many words ending in la are of obscure etymology.

1190. व va. Very few words of clear derivation are made with this suffix — too few to be worth classifying. They are of various meaning and accent, and generally show a weak root-form.

a. Thus: ṛkvá praising, ṛṣvá lofty, takvá quick, dhruvá fixed, pakvá ripe, padva going, yahvá quick (?), çarvá n. pr., hrasvá short, çikvá artful, raṇvá joyful, ūrdhvá lofty, vákva twisting, ūrvá stall; éva quick, course, áçva horse, srákva or sṛkva corner; and perhaps úlba caul; a feminine is prúṣvā (TS. pṛ́ṣvā, AV. pruṣvā́); with union-vowel are made saciva companion, ámīva disease, and vidhávā widov.

b. The words in va exhibit only in sporadic cases resolution of the ending into ua.

1191. रि ri. With this suffix are formed, directly or with preceding u, a small number of derivatives.

a. Thus: án̄ghri or aṅhri foot, áçri edge, úsri dawn, tandri or -drī́ weariness, bhū́ri abundant, ván̄kri rib, sūrí patron, -takri quick, vádhri eunuch, çubhrí beautiful, sthúri single (team); and, with uri, jásuri exhausted, dā́çuri pious, bhāguri n. pr., sáhuri mighty; an̄gúri (or an̄gúli) finger.

1192. रु ru. This suffix makes a few adjectives and neuter nouns, either directly or with a preceding vowel.