Page:Sanskrit Grammar by Whitney p1.djvu/561

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m, pron. etc., 49, 50; as final, 143; as final radcl, 143 a, 212, 256; in extrnl combn, 213; before rāj, 213 b.

-ma, prmy, 1166; scdry, 474, 487 a, d, 1224 b, 1242 c.

maṅh or mah, pf., 786 a; caus., 1042 g.

maghávan, dcln, 428.

majj, euph., 219 a; pf., 801 g; aor., 887 a; fut., 936 a; pple, 957 c; inf., 968 e; des., 1028 j.

-mat, advbl, 1235 e.

math or manth, pres., 730 a, 731, 732, 1066 b, 746; aor., 899 d; ya-ger'd, 992 b; caus., 1042 g.

mad or mand, 102 a; pres, 628, 645, 764; aor., 833, 834 d, 839, 840 b, 887 a, 897 b, 899 d, 904 d; pple, 956 b; caus., 1042 g.

man, pf., 794 f; aor., 834 b, 840 b, 881 e, 887 a, b; fut., 935 b; pple, 954 d; des., 1028 e, 1029 a, 1040; special construction, 268 a, 994 e.

-man, 1168; man- and ma-stems, 1166 c; man-stems in compsn, 1277 b.

manas, in comp. with infin.-stem, 968 g.

-mane, infin. in, 970 d, 974.

-mant, 1235.

mantr, so-called, 104 b, 1056, 1067, 1073 d.

mánthan, dcln, 434.

mand, 102 a: see mad.

-maya, 161 a, 1225.

-mara, 1201 a.

mah, see maṅh.

máh, mahī́, 400 a.

mahánt, dcln, 450 b.

mahā́, 355 a.

mahāprāṇa, 37 d.

measure, pres., 660, 663; aor., 839; pple, 954 c; inf., 968 f; tvā-ger'd, 991 b; ya-ger'd, 992 a; des., 1030.

exchange, pres., 761 f.

bellow, pres., 660, 663, 672, 676 c; aor., 868 e.

mā́ṅs, māṅsá (and mā́s), 397.

mātrā, in compsn, 1302 g; euph., 161 a.

-māna, 584 b, 1174.

mā́s, euph., 168 a; dcln, 389 b, 397: and see mā́ṅs.

mi fix, aor., 911; des., 1030.

-mi, 1167.

mikṣ, 1033 a; caus., 1042 b.

mitrá, 1185 c.

-min, 1231.

mil, fut., 936 b.

or mi damage, pres., 192 c, 731, 761 b; aor., 911; des., 1030; caus., 1042 l.

mih, euph., 223 b; pf., 790 b; aor., 916 a, 920 a.

mīv, pple, 955 b.

muc, pres., 758, 761 b, 855 a; aor., 832, 834 c, 837 b, 839, 847, 890 a; des., 1030.

mud, aor., 837 b.

muṣ, pres., 732, 1066 b; pple, 956 b; caus., 1042 b.

muh, euph., 223 a, c; pres., 761 a; aor., 847; pple, 955 e.

mūrch, 220 a; pres., 745 f; pple, 954 e.

mūrdhanya, 45.

mṛ die, euph., 242 c; pres., 757, 773; aor., 834 a, 837 b.

mṛ crush, pres., 731.

mṛj, euph., 219 b; pres., 621 a, 627, 745 e; pf., 786 a. 793 i; aor., 900 a, 919, 920; fut., 935 b, 936 d; pple, 956 b, d; inf., 958 c; tvā-ger'd, 991 c; ya-ger'd, 992 b; int, 1002 g, 1003, 1017; des., 1028 j; caus., 1042 b.

mṛd, euph., 198 d; caus., 1042 b.

mṛṇ, 731, 753 a.

mṛd, fut., 936 d.

mṛdh, aor., 838, 847.

mṛç, pf., 786 a; aor., 916, 920; pple, 956 b; int., 1002 g, 1003, 1017.

mṛṣ, aor., 834 c, 840 a, 847.

-mna, 1224 c.

mnā, 102 a; aor., 912.

mruc, aor., 847.

mlā, pres., 761 c; aor., 912; pple, 957 a; caus., 1042 j.

mluc, int., 1002 g.

y, pron. etc., 51, 55, 56; relation to i-vowels, 55; nasal y, 71 c, 213 d; y as union-consonant, 258, 313 b, 844, 1112 e, 1151 d, 1230 e, 995 b; resolved to i, 55, 113 b, 129 c; cases of loss of i before, 233 a; y of sfx treated as i, 1203 a.

ya contracted to i, 252, 769, 784 b, 794 b.

ya as conj.-class-sign, 606, 759; as passive-sign, 606, 768, 998 a;