Page:Sanskrit Grammar by Whitney p1.djvu/565

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çri, aor., 831, 867, 868, 889 a; inf., 968 e; caus., 1042 l.

çriṣ, aor., 847.

çrī, pple, 955 d.

çrīv, see srīv.

çru, euph., 243; pres., 699 b, 711; pf., 797 c; aor., 831, 836, 838, 839, 853, 866, 867; desid., 1040; caus., 1042 e.

çruṣ, 102 a.

çliṣ, euph., 226 d, f; pres., 761 c; aor., 847, 916.

çvañc, aor., 863 a.

çván, dcln, 427.

çvas, pres., 631; pple, 956 b; caus., 1042 g.

çvā or çvi or çū, pf., 786 c, 791 b; aor., 847, 868, 897 b; pple, 957 a; inf., 968 e.

çvit, aor., 832, 890.

, pron. etc., 59, 61, 62, 120, 182; relation to ç, 63 a; ordinary derivation, 46; exceptional occurrence, 182; as final, 145, 145 b; s changed to, 180–8; recurrence avoided, 181 c, 184 e, 1028 i; as root final, 182 a, 184 c, 225, 226; changes succeding n to , 189 ff.; assim. of dental after, 197; from ç, 218.

-ṣaṇi, (or -sani), infin. in, 970 h, 978, 1159 c, 1160 a.

ṣaṣ, euph., 146 b, 199 c.

-ṣe (or -se), infin. in, 970 c, 973 b.

ṣṭhīv, euph., 240 b; pres., 745 g, 765; pf., 789 c; pple, 955 c; tvā-ger'd, 991 d.

-ṣyāi (or -syāi), infin. in, 970 g, 977.

s, pron. etc., 59, 60; s and r as corresponding surd and sonant, 117 b, 158 a, 164; s or r as final of certain forms, 169 b; as final, 145, 169, 170 a; combinations of final rdcl s, 145 b, 166–8; of other, 170–7; exceptional cases, 171, 173; final as, 175, 176; ās, 177; s to , 180–8; exceptional cases, 181, 184 e, 185 c, d, 186 a; adds t before, 199 e; final n adds (retains) s, 208, 209; s lost between mutes, 233 c–f; in s-aor., 834, 881, 883; after a vowel, 233 b; exceptional combination after such loss, 233 f; s anomalously from final root-consonant, 406 a; s before ām of gen. pl., 313 a, 496 c; in aor., 874 ff.; in fut., 931 ff.; in desid., 1027 ff.

-s, advbl, 1105.

-sa, 1197.

sa-, 1121 e; in compsn, 1288 g, 1304 f–h, 1313 f.

saṁvṛta a, 21.

sákhi, dcln, 343 a–c.

sakthán, sákthi, 343 i, 431.

sagh, aor., 836 b.

sac, pres., 660; pf., 794 f; aor., 840 b; saçc from, 673, 675.

saj or sañj, euph., 219 a; pres., 746; pf., 794 d, h, 801 h; aor., 834 c, 887 a; inf., 968 f; des., 1028 i; caus., 1042 h.

sad, pres., 748; aor., 847, 852 a, 853, 899 d; fut., 935 b, 936 c; pple, 957 d; inf., 968 d.

san or , pf., 804; aor., 847, 853, 899 d; pple, 955 b; int., 1002 g; des., 1028 g, i, 1032 a.

-sani, infin. in, see -ṣaṇi.

saṁdhi, 109.

saṁdhyakṣara, 28 a, 30.

sannatara, 90 c.

sabhāg, so-called, 104 b, 1067.

samānākṣara, 30.

samprasāraṇa, 252 a.

samrāj etc., 213 b.

-sara, 1201 a.

sarágh or saráḍ, 389 b.

sárva, dcln, 524; in compsn, 1251 e, 1298 c.

saçc, pres., 444, 673, 675.

sás, euph., 176 a, b.

-sas, 1152.

sah, euph., 186 a, 223 b, 224 b; pres., 628; pf., 786 a, 790 b, 803 a; aor., 837, 838, 887 a, 897 a, b, 899 d; fut., 935 d; pple, 955 e; inf., 968 d; des., 1030; at end of cmpds, 405.

sahá, in cmpsn, 1304 f, g.

or si bind, pres., 753 c; aor., 830, 834 a, 839, 868 a, 894 c; fut., 935 a, 936 b; pple, 954 c; inf., 968 f; ya-ger'd, 992 a; caus., 1042 k.

-sāt, advbl, 1108.

sādh, aor., 861 a.

-sāna, ppial words in, 897 b, 1175.

sāntv, so-called, 104 b.

si, see .

sic, pres., 758; aor., 847; tvā-ger'd, 991 d; caus., 1042 h.