Page:Sanskrit Grammar by Whitney p1.djvu/576

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endings, 553 c; uses, 821–3; — perf.-system, 535, 780–823: formation of stem, 781–94; reduplication, 782–91; strong and weak stem-forms, 792–4; endings and their combination with stem, 795–9; union-vowel i, 796–8; inflection, 800; irregularities, 801; participle, 802–7; its inflection, 458–62; modes, 808–16; pluperfect, 817–20; — periphrastic perf., 1070–73.

perfect time, expressed by so-called aorist, 532 a, 825, 928; by perfect, 822, 823; by participial phrases, 1075 d.

periphrastic conjugation, 540 a, 1069–75; periph. future, 532, 931, 942–7; its uses, 949; perfect, 1070–3, 1018, 1034, 1045; aorist and precative, 1073 b; present, 1073 c; periph. participial phrases, 1074, 1075.

person in verbal inflection, 536.

personal endings — see endings of conjugation.

personal pronouns, 491–4; nouns used as such, 514.

phrases, derivatives from, 1202 b; compounds from, 1314 b.

place, particles of, 1099, 1100, 1122 i.

pluperfect tense, 532, 817–20; plup. time, no designation of, 532 a; save by participial phrases, 1075 d.

position, length of syllable by, 79.

possessive adjectives, 1206 a, 1229 b, 1230–35; pronominal, 516.

possessive compounds, 324, 1247 g, 1293–1308; poss. dependents, 1296; poss. descriptives, 1297 ff.: with ordinary adjective as prior member, 1298; with participle, 1299; with numeral, 1300; with appositive noun, 1301–3; with adverb, 1304–6; added suffixes, 1212 c, 1307; pregnant use, 1308.

precative optative, 533 b; its formation, 567; scheme of endings, 568; prec. in later language, 921–5; use, 573 c.

prepositions, 1123–30; words used as such, 1123–5; cases construed with them, 1126–30; gerunds used as, 994 g; — prep. in composition with roots — see verbal prefixes.

prepositional compounds, 1247 g, 1310; with added suffix, 1212 m.

present tense, 532; its uses, 777, 778; — pres.-system, 535, 599–779: prominence as part of verb-system, 600; varieties of form and their classification, 601–9; various from same root, 609; conjugations and conjugation-classes, 602–10; first or non-a-conjugation: I. root-class, 611–41; II. reduplicating class, 642–82; III. nasal class, 683–96; IV. nu- and u-class, 697–716; V. -class, 717–32; second or a-conjugation, 733: VI. a-class, 734–50; VII. accented á-class, 751–8; VIII. ya-class, 759–67; IX. -class, or passive conjugation, 768–74; so-called cur- or tenth class, 775; uses of tenses, 776–9; of modes, 572–81; – pres. stems, derivatives from, 1140 c.

present use of perfect, 821 c, 823; of aorist, 930.

presumption or conjecture, future of, 948.

primary and secondary personal endings, 542 ff.; confusion of them in use, 636 d, 933 a, 938; normal schemes, 553.

primary derivation, 1138–1201: relation to secondary, 1139; from what made, 1140, 1141; union-vowels, 1142; form of root, 1143; accent, 1144; meaning, 1145, 1146; prim. suffixes and the derivatives made with them, 1148–1201.

prohibitive expression, 574, 579, 580.

pronominal roots, 490; their character, in inflection and derivation, 1137 b, 1138; adverbs from them, 1097 ff.

pronouns, 490–521: personal, 491–4; demonstrative, 495–503; interrogative, 504–7; relative, 508–12; emphatic, indefinite, 513; nouns used pronominally, 514; pron. derivative adjectives, 515–21; adjectives declined pronominally, 522–6.

pronunciation — see system of sounds.

protracted (pluta) quantity, 78; protr. final vowel uncombinable, 138 e.

punctuation, signs of, in devanāgarī, 16 d.