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In order to comply withthe wishes of Dr. Speijer I take the liberty to introduce his work with the students of Sanskrit.

Indian grammar, which is virtually the same as saying Panini’s grammar, superior as it is in many respects to any- thing of the kind produced among other civilized uations of antiquity, is professedly deficient in its treatment of syntax. As all Sanskrit grammars published-hy Western scholars are, so far as the linguistical facts are concerned, almost entirely dependent, either directly or indirectly, upon Panini, it cannot be matter for surprise that syntax is not adequately treated in them, although it must be admitted that Professor Whitney's grammar shows in this respect a signal progress,

Some paris of Indian syntax have received a careful treat- ment at the hands of competent scholars, amongst whom Del- briick stands foremost. AJ] who are grateful to those pioneers will, it may be supposed, gladly receive this more comprehen- sive work, the first complete syntax of classical Sanskrit, for which we are indebted to the labours of Dr. Spetjer. May it be the forerunner of a similar work, as copious and conscien- tious, on Vaidik Syntax!


Leyden, 13 July 1886.