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108 § 140-142. royal dignity befits a man accomplished in political science, libe- rality and gallantry). Locat. in the of." Rem. 2. Synonyms explaining the meaning of some word, are meaning put in the locative, which accordingly in this meaning." Amarak. to your de naft (the word kalôpa may have the meaning of bhashana ornament, barha a peacock's tail, tûnira quiver and samhati mass or heap), Kåm. 2, 17 fafala faraÀ (vid is explained as meaning: to know), Âpast. 1, 5, 1 fung ay: 9: 6. The qualities, arts, science etc. in which one excels with words or is weak, equal or unequal, when put in the locative. of excellen- R. 1, 1, 17 ma fi faca 141. 6. Locat. I na CE, weak. ness etc. q:14 aan ard 24 347, Mhbh. 1, 88, 13: ançà

. Here the ablative and instru-

way mental are concurrent idioms. 142. 7. The seventh case attending nouns of ability, skill, 7. With nouns of knowledge and the like. Here the genitive is the con- ability, current construction (124, 1º). skill, Examples of the locative: Ch. Up. 1, 8, 1 maal aug (three men were well-versed in the Word), Kathås. 24, 187 - gaf (of one, not being a judge of jewelry), Mâlav. V, p. 131 Chai Chatfufai ar (what art the ladies are acquainted with ?), Någan. I, p. 2mar aut (we are skilled in dramatic representa- tions). -It attends also verbs of that meaning. Pat. I, p. 280 fang faad vafa food. O Rem. 1. Vårtt. 1 on P. 2, 3, 36 gives a special rule for ad- jectives in made of participles in , complying with locative. The examples given by Pat. I, p. 458 (well read in grammar), #myım - (knowing the theory of metrics) prove that kind of locative to belong to the general class of words of ability and skill. Cp. Daç. 157 tapi.….... po at y Rem. 2. P. 2, 3, 44 teaches the promiscuous use of locative and instrumental with the adjectives af and (caring for, solici- tous). Bryan ngang tela endrug