Page:Sanskrit syntax (IA cu31924023201183).pdf/137

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§ 166. 1 3¹ = „save, but for;" 4'y may signify „with respect to, concerning." Like, they are allowed. to make up a compound with their noun, then the noun is the former member. Examples of 1. - Çak. III wasichat (meanwhile I will look between [ through] the foliage). When construed with two nouns, the prepos. precedes, and is put twioe. Pat. I, 45 HRT rai a gi a: (the pitcher is between you and me), Çat. Br. 1, 1, 1, 1); 2. Pat. I, 8

  • atonfa 49: f rafa (even without the uttering of

mantras fire heats the plates), R. 2, 11, 18 Tan (there the enemy threw thee down lifeless); Panc. 60 out aturadur awa: (I am sure that voracions beast cannot be killed but by a stratagem), R. 3, 19, 7 fe quTZË cha: cat fan anu... (none but Mahendra); — TT 4. Çak. V. zar una de sf (therefore I have incurred a heavy reproof from her with respect to queen Vasumati) ³). NI > Rem. 1. Occasionally a genitive is found instead of the acc. with as Mhbh. 5, 16, 29. Cp. Pat. I, 59 enostain ant (between these two [families of brahmans] there dwells a family of çûdras), here # complies also with the gen., it seems. Rem. 2. Difference between is expressed not by a preposition, but by means of two genitives. R. 3, 47, 45 a de Renault CON Kafe Achiengati 1 ay regrettantzchatdznę dem runda = (what dif- ferente there is between lion and chacal in the forest, between a rivulet and the ocean, between ambrosia and the beverage of the Sauviras, that is the difference between the son of Daçaratha -1 13 121 - gra 3. 1) Comp. a somewhat similar idiom in Latin, f. i. Horat. Epist. I, 2, 11 Nestor componere lites inter Peliden festinat et inter Atriden. 2) So in this prakrt passage of the Malavikâgnimitra IV, p. 89 àì ATQ.... Hact found info affaren fan&T.