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148 § 206. on instruments). As the number of the members is illimited, we may have such long dvandvas as f. i. Nala 1, 28 ad fe tamudnigut. pascara: etc. But if the dvandva is to represent a real unity or if not individuals but categories are linked together, it generally is á neuter and á singular. So it is said ga (children and grandchildren), 4 (kine and horses), (awl and knife). Rem. 1. A full and exhaustive account on this subject is given by Panini (2, 4, 2-17) and his commentators. They distinguish between those cases where the dvandva must be a singular and a neuter, those where it must not be so, and those in which it is allowed to use either idiom optionally. So, among others, the singular of the neuter is of necessity with dvandvas signi- fying parts either of the body or of musical instruments or of P. 2, 4, 2 the army, as qrforated, a, likewise if names of rivers and countries, when of different gender, are linked together, as P. 2, 4, 7. , . On the other hand, dvandvas made up of nouns denoting animate beings are not allowed to be put in the singular number, save a.) very small animals, as a b.) such as by their nature are living in eternal mutual enmity, as - P. 2, 4, 9. ruch, maney, c.) classes of çudras, not considered abject ¹), as P. 2, 4, 10, d.) some others as a gadta, aus, T- P. 2, 4, 11. P. 2, 4, 8. {T: Dvandvas of contrasting qualities or things are optionally put in the singular or in the dual, as gegen or a tour op. 2, 4, 18. > P. o. And so on. Rem. 2. It is forbidden to compound a genus with its species. See Pat. I, p. 252. Rem. 3. Instead of the dvandva fu the simple fant may - be used (so f. i. Ragh. 1, 1 : ft and manutent. Likewise P. 1, 8, 70 say is synonymous with a, see f. i. Kathas. 58, 89. — and 71. 1) P. 2, 4, 10 tapaikaan. Küç. fandanfaa gufa a Araram: