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153 as as S 2

(Sir Canakya), ra: (Minister Râxasa). So

Utt. IL p. 30: (Prince L.), Mâlav. I, p. 24 afsachant FIT Ha (you are the learned Kauçiki, are not you f), Mrech. III, p. 115 # fe mfùrching foniemenanging, but some lines after (p. 116) we read in inverse order fim, ep. Panc. 59 Parystotewiàu a staat Ag, here the proper noun facut is followed, not preceded by its epithet. In some cases the latter idiom seems to be the regular one, as fua: (Mount Vindhya). b.) those ending in , the former part being a subst., aß pisa: fensics, T Here has sometimes the power of a collective, sometimes it denotes the individual (19 R), : may be »womankind," »women" or even one »woman," and so on; c.) the type foc (half a pepper). It is not allowed to say P. 2, 2. facacuery, but facral ; when compounded it must be fusil. ¹) 1 and 2. So f. i. Ragh. 7, 42 f (halfway), Panc. 208


the earth with the half of his foot). The same applies to ga, Bay, etc. when denoting: the fore-part, the part behind, the lower- and upper part. Therefore it is said qanu: (the fore- part of the body), gaf (fore-noon), : (the latter part of the night), 3 (head), pt (the fore-night), and the like. 2 So in te. We have here the same adjectival conception as in Latin summus mons, media urbs, Greek mérų ý méais etc. Rem. 1. , like our »half," is also compounded with a par_ ticiple or some other adjective, as :: (the sun, half-risen), Panc. 9 § 213. d aha: Rem. 2. As to compounds, commencing by fa, a, or , when = »half, the third-, fourth part," one may say as well fitufe as far (half an alms) and the like. The same may be stated of (top, edge, extremity), as it is said as well (the edge of a nail) as (see Petr. Dict, s. v. and the passages adduced there s. v. ). 1) But it is allowed to say faceau: (a portion of a pepper). Pat. I, 407 states to be a neuter, when meaning »half," but a masculine, when = »partion, part:” equfâuì dý¶faşì saudarat gras: P. 2, 2, 3.