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225. § 224-225. 169 m it is, he keeps within. ¹) R. 3, 51, 9 Sità has the epithet »having tears in her eyes." Comp. WHITNEY § 1303. P. 2,3, Rem. 3. In some bahuvrihis the order of the members is op- 37. tional. One may say promiscuously aft; and wrafa: (one who keeps the holy fires), maga; or gama: (one having children). Of the kind are it or at, see M. 5, 58 with Kull., usiau and fans (fond of sweetmeats) 2), R. 2, 119, 5 :: (her- mits with uplifted pitchors). Participles in a must be put behind, if the predicate be a weapon, therefore : (with uplifted sword), see vartt. on P. 2, 2, 36. Rem. 4. The type a.) of the bahuvrihi in its outer form is often identical with a karmadhâraya, for the discrepancies in the accentuation are not heeded. In practice, one avoids to use as bahu vrthis such compounds as are wont to be karmadhårayas, as Hasid, era, aca, and inversely such as , will not have to be otherwise accepted than as bahuvrihis. ³) Yet, it often is only the context which will enable the reader how to accept a given compound. Type b.). Panc. 24 nafar tsaguadat yan auft gegla: 1) Cp. vårtt. 4 of Pat. on P. 2, 2, 36. 2) As to fu, Pat. vârtt. 2 on P. 2, 2, 35 teaches the option. But it seems better to explain far as being a tatpurusha, because 1st fua 39 may be not only = beloved," but also »loving," see Petr. Dict. IV, p. 1161 s. v. 1c), 2ly as Panini somewhere else [P. 6, 2, 15 sq.] mentions some tatpurushas in f. The same may apply to some of the partici- ples in , if not to all. Since may sometimes have an active signification and sometimes a passive one, it is plain we are allowed to compound as well the tatpurusba : = lac potus, as the bahuvr. t: lacte poto. Comp. what has been said p. 157 N. 2. Panc. 283 affords a specimen of a kind of compounds, in which two types are confounded: fafeen vieluusteina, here the author seems to have blended promiscuously two bahuvrîhis giſuusagal and melani- aus, either of which would have sufficed. Comp. Hariv. 5814 => mtanche 8) See CAPPELLER Vâmana's Stilregeln: Kâvyasamaya 7 and 8. ♥