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§ 237. I. The in- rendered by means of ,as.' trumental of an ab- fariuan tract noun expressive (let some other heron go with him quality: of in what as [his] second), Ratn. IV, p. 114 "fa faù faunía Tutudy add (why, my dear, do you behave as if you were indifferent even nów?).

  1. 03.

This idiom is much used with verbs of acting-, behaving-, being as; knowing-, considering as, taking for; calling-, signi- fying as; treating as and many others. Instead of the phrase Algú ai Malfa àmquımaqizmin one may say alqulàn di staf etc. "So Hitop. 103 183 Examples: Kathâs. 26, 8 fut fear: (being steersman); Pra- bodh. IV, p. 81 a na atat atentinianda faafia: (Kâma is his chief warrior, it is you we have looked for as his match); Daç. 76

àd (and the glow [of passion],

which had been loosened from the holy man, [now] shone as twilight); Ragh. 14, 40 a 4à: fri sedan that grena: ganit: (on spotless moon people have thrown earth's shade by way of a spot); Daç, 112 + fakera égaat san ma (nobody here knows me as such); ibid. 93 aut ff damndateau: (you cannot but denounce me as the person, you have got it from); ibid. 144 3.... a maa (she has been destined a wife for you); ibid. 94 nrantaufnpur (it was the unhappy Arth. who was seized as the thief); Pat. I, p. 399 when treating of the karmadharaya orfat, says for: grenraa faafaat Hafd hout faàquà; Kathâs, 52, 60 àrafa raga; Mhbh. 1, 43, 24 Jatai gunaan anda. '). 1) The germ of this much used idiom is found already in the Rgveda- mantras, in such phrases as g (instr. skrt gut). Rgv. 10, 15, 6 – AT fefore fant: ad fort as

g(do us no injury, fathers,

on account of any offence, that we, after the manner of men [as being men], may have committed against you).