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§ 7-9 voíee. Passive voice. In translating from that language it is often necessary to transform passive sentences into active. For inst. Panc. 43 चिरकालं श्रुतो मया तवापवादः (it is a long time I hear blame you), Daçak. 133 कयापि दिव्याकारया कन्क्योपास्यायिषि (& maiden of heavenly appearance respectfully approached me), Hit. 43 तत्र तेन मृग एको व्यापादितः। मृगमादाय गच्छता तेन घोराकृतिः सूकरो दृष्टः । ततस्तेन मृगं भूमौ निधाय सूकरः शरेषा इतः 8. Since this preference is of course not limited to tran- Imper sitive verbs, nothing can be more common than the use passi - of impersonal passives. Hit. 93 केनापि शस्य र केनैकान्ते स्थि sonal (some guardian of the crops was standing aside), Daçak. 18 केसरिणा करियां निहत्य कुत्रचिद्गमि (the lion, after having slain the elephant, disappeared), Ven. III p. 79 कथमेवं प्रलपती वः सहस्रधा न दोर्पाम- at figur. Even the verb subst. has occasionally ep. 32b). a passive form, Imper- sonal verbs. 4 finite verba. Rem. Apart from the said impersonal verbs, we have to re- cord the old and genuine impersonals with active or medial en- dings and meaning. In classic Sanskrit they are scarcely used, being but remnants of a more widely employed idiom of the elder language. Ait. Br. 1,9,2 तस्यै जनतायै कल्पते यत्रैवं विद्वान्होता भवति (it avails such community, as where is a hot knowing this), Açv. Grhy. 4,1,1 श्राहिताग्निं चेदुपतपेदबस्येत् (if a worshipper in the three fires be affected by illness, he should withdraw); Pane, I यत्ते and af farafa (if it does not succeed notwithstanding the effort -). Likewise (it rains) = f (cp. Yajñ. 1,136 with Kâç. on P. 1,4,89) and so on. 9. Participles, especially those in and Partiei- ples, and the kṛtyàs are frequently employed as doing if they were finite verbs, without the at- tendance of the verb subst. In simple prose a great deal of the sentences are moulded in that shape. Hitop. 12 सौ व्याघेण व्यापादितः (the tiger killed him and devoured him), ibid. 7 तस्य विष्णुशर्माः पुत्रान् समर्पतवान् (he entrusted his sons to the foresaid Vishn.), Çak. I fanaqur