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186 242. by ,as" or like." When paraphrased, they are = T or with any noun-case wanted by the context, therefore may be for Ma or Hand and so on. — R. 3, 45, 5 fà fàradur agranik saad [= afal (in the shape of a friend, Laxmana, you are like a foe to your brother); Mhbh. 1, 148, 15 gamuzat TEUTAN TEDD — ART STE (the innocent Pândavas he did burn as if they were his enemies); Kâm. 3, 31 q nt; a&titanlagnsdumde dessing (= Zadı 3a and ]; Mhbh. 1, 159, 4 a gazu (= gaña] (pass over by me as if by a vessel); Hit. 10 martang ay atean

  1. trarcating a suff: (he who looks on the wife of another

as on his mother, on the goods of another as on clay, on all cre- atures as on himself, such one is a wise man). $ 241-243. Rem. 1. Compare with them Latin adverbs as regaliter, when meaning »kingly, like a king." Mhbh. 1, 145, 1 qual:..... ET and (suppliciter). Rem. 2. Like other compounds, the adverbs in a may have their former member standing in construction with some other word outside the compound. Panc. I, 260 e and our det at afd. = Adverbs in involve the dissolution of a whole into many parts. Mâlat. VIII, p. 135 mai faca crezut ad (I will cut her into pieces and cause her to die a miserable death). As to those in u see 302 R. Sometimes 243. Adjectives but not so often as in Latin and Greek doing duty adjectives are used, where one might expect adverbs. of adverbs. Of the kind are f. i. faag Lat. invitus, (mere). Kathâs. 28, 70 Ti faaraf (R. disappeared against her will); Kathas. 29, 120 e i at faf: (that she did not die, the cause thereof was nothing but Destiny, Germ. nur das Schick- sal). Likewise others, which in fact serve to qualify the verb, though they do formally agree with some substantive (81, V). R. 3, 60, 25 +4 fanou: quta (tell it me confidentially), M. 3, 101 qunta ufarea — -