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§ 252. 191 » 1. Adjectives may be put twice, the two making but one word, in order to signify our -like," rather." Dac, 149 a Zanguianzafraduafaceri (a woman, who though [of a] rather thin [aspect] had by divine power not too much lost of the brightness of her colour), R. 3, 67, 14 a ....., Panc. II, 50 ita: gp Dafå rá faHúfa (in the beginning a foe sneaks along very slowly, as one being rather afraid). So, when alone," and op. such phrases, as gaga gourd, antiqui (they blossom-, they ripen the very first)). Instances of adverbs put twice are not rare, as : : (slowly, by degrees), T: (repeatedly), gaga: (again and again), etc. Daç. 172 gała. To adat. 2. In the same way substantives, gerunds, participles when put twice, may indicate the non-interruption of some time or action. R. 3, 10, 5 mg (in uninterrupted time), Mâlav. IV, p. 105 af at: fearat fearat farthafa und (at the very moment she is standing on the path of my looks, PPTA 37 adhyâya (8, 1, 1-15). In interpreting sûtra 9, the commentaries are wrong accepting it as teaching the formation of the word on. The sûtra qu agafean cannot have this purport; its literal sense is if a unity, [it ie] bahuvrîhilike." If Panini had meant the word eh, he would have written on, not as he does ; cp. the constant genitives in sûtras 5-8. Our sutra refers to the cases, mentioned by a. 4-8. There the employment is taught of the two ()" spoken of in 8, 1, 1. Sûtra 9 teaches, how these two are to be accepted, for it says: >[but these two may be] one; then the whole is as if a bahuvrihi", likewise in the case of a. 10. But from s. 11 the unity is as if a karmadhâraya. Panini's words in 9-11 are: pead and alafaquagang. From the conclusion of Kâç. on P.'s sûtra 9 I infer that the right inter- pretation had been proposed by somebody, but that it has been ob- jected to by Patanjali. On the other hand, auch forms with distributive sense as qua: being by necessity instances of the idiom, taught P. 8, 1,4 afford some evidence for my own acceptation. 1) See vårtt. 7 on P. 8, 1, 12 in the commentary of the Kâçika. Cp. also P. 8, 1, 13, which teaches to say gaga and fuafur, when => with all one's heart." 1 P. 8, 1, 4,