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194 $ 256-257. the pronouns referring to it are omitted as being easily supplied by the mind, whereas the English translator is bound to say she [the cat] reached the young birds, took them to her hole and devoured them." Cp. ibid. 96 quà qura bara a T, Mhbh. 1, 154, 30 an agam anan, where the pro- noun though being construed with two verbs is put but once, QAY Daç. 152 d: falfà¹) afafufaqure à fa: antsta aretur: q: fund, 80. 414, as is plain by the fore- going and à. Likewise the possessive pronouns may be omitted, if there can be no doubt as to the possessor, especially of course when referring to the subject. Hit. 7 facorarfor: gara (80. tam] aufundid ³). 257. 1st and 21 person, The short forms of the acc., Their formis. enclitic gen., dat. ') are enclitic, and used therefore if there is no stress to be laid on the pronoun. It is useless to give examples of them, as they are met with on almost every page. The acc. and are however not so frequent as the other enclitic forms *). -ww 1) By a common error the printed text has fa. 2) So was already taught by Patanjali (I, p. 62) saft af faci fanff gytonculāfā la akad sei unit eftan fundin áskränsan at ge fant. 3) Epic. poetry affords sundry instances pointing to the fact, that the short forms of the gen. and dat. were once, it seems, available for all oblique cases. At least, R. 3, 43, 49 à is doubtlessau, and Mhbh. 1, 230, 15:y. The former passage runs thus N À HIQAWARÀA (you must keep watchful in the hermitage), the latter ..... BE an: : Cp. Vamana's stilregeln ch. Çabdaçuddhi, s. 11. 4) As and at, co and mai are easily exposed to be confounded in manuscripts, it is possible that the enclitical forms have sometimes. disappeared in our texts, if the following word commenced by a consonant. At all events, they seem to occur oftener in the ancient dialect than afterwards.