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8 10-13. सम master स्वामिन्क्रियतामद्य मम प्राणैः प्राणयात्रा। दोयतामत्तयो बासः स्वर्गे । विस्तार्थतां चितितले प्रभूततरं यशः 11. But in sentences without a finite verb the personal pronoun denoting the subject cannot be missing. It may be said promiscuously कृतवानस्मि and कृतवानहम्, कृतकृत्योऽसि and कृतकृत्यस्त्वम् and so on. The full forms ग्रहं कृतवानस्मि, त्वं कृतकृत्योऽसि are, of course, also available. 6 13. Rem. Occasionally they are wanting even then, provided that it be beyond doubt, which subject is meant Panc. 214 the erow Sthirajivin relates to the king of the owls the ill treatment he has endured from his own king, for तेन दुर्जनप्रकोपितेनेमां दुशां नीतः [80. श्रहम्, as is perspicuous by the context] ; ibid. 53 the lover addresses the princess राजपुत्रि सुप्पा [80 त्वं] किं वा जागर्षि; ibid. 38 वत्स धन्योऽसि यत्प्रथमे व्यस्येवं विरक्तिभावः [se. त्वम् ]. Cp. ibid. 137, 13; 154, 10. 12. Gene- ject. A general subject may be expressed by using ral sni- the passive form, as उच्यते ( it is said), श्रूयते ( it is taught). Likewise by the plural of the 3d pers of the श्रादु (they say, when = it is said; germ. man sugt), विदुः (it is known), श्रचक्षते it is told). But active as not seldom also the singular of the gd pers of the active is employed in this manner. Panc. II, 34 कारणा- न्मित्रतामेति कारणादेति शत्रुताम् ( it is not without cause, one becomes a friend or a foe). The pronoun omitted is स ( = one, germ. nan), which is also sometimes added. Panc. I, 216 त्याज्यं न धैर्ये विधुरेऽपि दैवे : धैर्यत्कदाचित्स्थितिमापुयात्स (one must not lose courage oven in distress; by courage one may regain one's position in time). 1 The accessory parts of the sentence, such as are to point out the where, the chen, the why, the how of the fact related, the qualities and other attributes of