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272. 204 pointment about her female attendant coming out farfedt dat, and says on account of her qui nater for at f gardening whereas in the first act, when looking at her face, he admires 3 , exclaims à offe, is uneasy, as is noticed by him. Though may be styled the emphatic , both pronouns are sometimes used almost promiscuously. Mhbh. 1, sarga 154 Kunti asks Hidimba, who she is: vare you a deity of this forest?" aku, Hidimbá answers af etc. In the second act of the Vikramorvaçi the king offering a seat to Citralekhå says , in the first act of the Mudraraxasa Cânakya to Candanadâsa TEDATEDATI. praktRATA, 278. § 271-274. jacturam facit, sic profecto et ille vitam pro nihilo putabit in hujus calamitate. In the Vikramorvaçi king Purtravas designates his beloved Urvaçt by the pronoun , as long as he knows her present and sees her (1st act), but in the second act, when thinking her absent, he speaks of expresses his disap- 274. 1 H not is the proper word, if the speaker wishes to denote something belonging to himself by a de- ring to monstrative rather than by the possessive of the 1st. refor- the 1st person. may signify this arm of mine," "de - - — person. xus, hoc bracchium. Vikram. II, p. 46 Purúravas laments ung: anera: vis. Mrech. IV, p. 141 H 4, fat af S (I feel no remorse nor fear on account of the rash deed, I have committed). Rem. Hence: a modest phrase to designate the speaker himself, cp. Greek de výp. Vikram. II, p. 56 the king when taking his leave from Urvaçi says as ; Mrech. VII, p. 238 Cârudatta tells his friend, he longs for Vasantasena demania iningen så; Daç. 164 aardunalont saistougue in: (my lord has much gratified his most obedient servant). 32-34. Pânini teaches, there is some difference in the flexion of P. 2, 4, according to its being used either when referring to somebody or something already spoken of before, or -