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220 § 289-291. (from that place they went to their country), ibid. 286 sa ufaenfronter cart (he took some money from a moneylender), Prabodh. I, p. 6 staan wana (by some cause), Daç. 96 xi mæfa-. daffenfunta (perhaps, it will rescue me from this misadventure). Rem. 1. It must be mentioned, that in the case of the anoddeça 33. (274) and are enclitics. So neither nor ST! can be used. Rem. 2. Instances of the adverbs in and 7: denoting time, are noč rare. So one se »afterwards," : = »then," P. 2, 4, en... may be sometimes.... sometimes." There is no proper adverbial suffix for the category of the whither." Nor is it necessary. For the locative being expressive of the aim and scope of going, arriving, entering and the like that one says, with the words (134), it results, and so on, as well as ANT MEDIA, AIR . On the other hand, since the adverbs in T may have the meaning of ,on the side of," cp. 103, may be on what side!" : F » ,, on this side" etc. Moreover they may even signify ,,in, what direction, f. i. : ,,towards that place." = a) Panc. 154 ami a fá amff, ibid. 289 af affe ang: marfa (if some tiger come hither), Mhbh. 1, 163, 4 HÌ at atashi. as ant b) Malav. I, p. 17 3 (sit down on this side). c) M. 2, 200 med at antsum: (or you must go from that place to another), Kull. Çák. I penemafed- chricht:.... sa pattia ( are moving on in this direction). 4. PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES. 290. " 291. Pronominał adjectives are: I. Prono- minal tus), Dem. d, and adjec- tives. the relat. [as great] as." 22 (how great, quan- (tantus), with