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297. P § 297-299. 298. af- ter car- teness of the number. So dinals and af. 299. Nouns 225 Note the use of the words and say, or face and 4 = »couple" and triad;" tetrad" is age. They are often the last members of compounds. M. 2, 76 à (the three Vedas), Utt. III, p. 37 da: gfaufa aðed axan apa a. Putting after a cardinal expresses the comple- both of them," ä " all three of them." One says even asfa, etc. = all of them." Bhoj. 91: sau adraft af- ma. Cardinals may often be the latter members of com- ofnum-pounds, see 294 and 296. ber, being up with their bers of com- pounds. When former members, they may make me latter members the so-called dvigus. This term is ap- plied to two different kinds of compounds, viz. 1. the collective compounds, made up of a cardinal + a noun subst., and employed in a collective sense; they must be of the neuter gender, as (juncture of four as roads), but themes in may be feminines in Ficiona well as neuters in , as or it (the three worlds); 2 compound adjectives, which rank with the bahuvrihis, but the notion inherent to which is not that of possession," but some other. So the word faitself, meaning „bought for [having the value of] two cows." Ait. Br. 1, 1, 6 geamum: gjera: (a cake dressed on eight plates). Beside this special use, the cardinals may be parts of the general tatpurushas and bahuvrihis, especially the latter. Such bahuvrîhis as 2: (having ten faces), fa: (with twenty arms), are, in practice, by lă P. 2, 1, 23 P. 2, 1, 52.