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309. 309*. 310. 232 § 308-310. Examples: Daç. 59 achana aliqmienia, Câk. II puut Fazurang tuala à sa:; Prabodh. II, p. 42 Krodha says - — ifa ya afande VIII, p. 256 medecine). Rem. Panini allows even inchoatives, made with the verb. From the examples given by Kaç. it is likely, they do exist only in the optative: na As far as I know, instances are not found in literature. (I make the world blind and deaf), Mrech. faatanny (it is difficult to change poison into 52. Another mode of making inchoatives is putting the suffix TP. 5, 4, to the noun and adding af, resp. f. This class is, however, limited to substantives, for the suffix or expresses the complete transition of one thing into another, as saf (it vanishes in fire), Hertfa (he lays in ashes). According to 308 one may say likewise tual, citanti, ana, etc. - Mhbh. 1, 33, 7 Kathas. 5, 100 fra anuntamientag: 1 3 53. Rem. 1. In the case of partial transformation one likewise uses P. 5, 4, and af, Hafd and also quà f. 1. vei Anulgautòn så garisanriquà (in this army all weapons become fiery by a mi- racle). See Kâç. on P. 5, 4, 53. Rem. 2. The same idioms + Ha, may also P. 5, 4, g > 54. signify to make -, resp. to become the property of:" start () it becomes the king's." Kathas. 38, 157 murata ri af (she bestowed her estate on the brahmans), Panc. I, 224 [f] (given into marriage). Rem. 3. Panc. 45 written there [ar] si is construed with the verb. It is R. The upasarga prefixed to the verb has sometimes the power of denoting the beginning of the action. Kâç. on P. 1, 2, 21 na: gerunt or afar (he commenced to shine), Panc. I, 195 g hærri arafa (if he laughs, they begin to smile at him, if he weeps, they shed tears). Periphrase of verbs by means of a general verb to do with an object denoting the special action meant, is