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17. Modi- § 16-17. doing duty of a so called predicative attribute, they generally follow. Comp. for inst, the proverb स्वयमुपगता i gefa (fortune which has arrived spontaneously, grows a curse, when neglected). Rem. Not seldom they are separated from the noun (or pro. noun) they belong to. Daç. 141 मयासि ज्ञातमात्रः पापया परित्यक्तः ; when translating this sentence one should render qar by the adverb basely or in a base manner. So Pane. 73 तद् दोहबुटेरषि मयास्य न वि रुडाचरणीयम्; note tho disjunetion of द्रोहबुडे: and त्रस्य. 4. The vocative generally heads the sentence. 5. The prepositions are commonly preceded by their cases. 6. In sentences linked to the preceding by means of relatives or particles, these words are put first; when enclitical, they are affixed to the first word of the clause they introduce. 11 F As it has been stated above (15), this traditional or- der of words is liable to be modified by various in- fluences of the power to cause the speaker to pre- fer an other arrangement. Instead of the subject, the word on which stress is laid will head the sentence. In this way the verb or an oblique noun-case or an adverb (especially when of time), are not seldom put first, because of emphasis. Hit. 97: (of the kind there exist many indeed), Dag 132 प्रथावोचम् | यमरतु द्विरदकीट एष अन्यः कश्चिमातङ्गपतिरानीयताम् (then I said: let this mise- > rable clephant be gone, bring an other, a number 1 of the elephants);" Hit. 110 बम बलानि तावदवलोकयतु मन्त्री; Pane. 39 रात्रो त्वया मठमध्ये न प्रवेष्टव्यम्; ibid. 53 श्रयैव तथा सह समागमः क्रियताम् (meet with her still to-day). Absolute locatives and the like aro also placed at the begin- ning. Bhojap. 8 गृहीते भोजे लोकाः कोलाहलं चक्र, Hitop. 131 पश्यतो बकमूर्खस्य नकुलैर्भक्षिताः सुताः, Pane. 54 एवं तस्य तां नित्यं सेवमानस्य कालो घाति. Likewise in connecting sentences it is necessary to