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14 § 19-20. existing between idea and word (I), the other between words standing in the same sentence (II). Real I. As a rule, there is agreement between the real and gram and the grammatical gender and number. As to the matical gender number, an exception is to be stated for the collective gene. ralis. 1 and num- nouns and some pluralia tantum, as : (water), and ber.

  1. (life), f: (the rainy season), in the elder language also

sad; (collar-bone), a: (neck)..1) Rarely the gender disa- grees, as the neuter मित्र »friend;" words as भाजन, पात्र »vessel; fit person,” f. i. Mhbh. 1,61,3 श्रोतुं पात्रं च राजस्वम् (you are the proper man to hear ) दैवत (5.) and देवता (f.) »deity," ele; दारा masc. plur. »wife" is an instance of disagreement in both gender and number 2). L The diminutives generally retain the gender of their primitives ): पुत्रक m. as पुत्र, but पुत्रिका f. as पुत्रो. Rem. Of the collectives some are not always used so; T f. ex. may as well denote a single individual as a collection of individuals. Accordingly, in the latter case it may be said as well (sing.) as : (plur.). ¹) Similarly th: or itt: »people, le monde, les gens," or gar: »offspring; subjects." प्रजा प्रजा: 20. In a general proposition a whole class of individuals Pan. 1,2,58. ng may be optionally denoted by the singular or by the Singu- 1) Still Pânini seems to havo knowo it but as a plural, for in teaching taddhitas derived from it, he says ग्रीवाभ्यो [not ग्रीवायाः] षू च 4,3,57. Compare the similar development of Latin cervis out of the pl. tant. cer- vices, sec Quintilian VIII, 3,35. 2) is used as a singular in the Dharmasûtra of Apastawba (seo I, 32, 6; II, 1, 17; 5, 10, 11, 12; 22, 7, etc.). 3) Words in have, however, sometimes diminutives in. So (a small dagger = श्रसिपुत्री Amar. k.), whereas शस्त्र (n.) uore ospecially > sword," 1) So Nala 6,11 ततः पौरजनाः सर्वे मन्त्रिभिः सह भारत | राजानं दुष्टुमाग- but in the subsequent çlokn we read Fr: सत उपागम्य दमयन्त्यै न्यवेदयत् । एष पोरजनो देवि द्वारि तिष्ठति कार्यवान्