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§ 55-58. a fad (he amuses himself secretly), Ad (he entertains respectfully). The acc. of the subst. (name) is used as a particle= »namely," sometimes also it answers to Greek vopa of name." Nala 1, i STATT. 42 56. A great number of prepositions and the like agree also with the accusative, see chapter IX. Of the interjec- tions, is often attended by accusative. CHAPTER IV. Instrumental. 57. The third case has been styled instrumental after its most usual employment of expressing the instrument or means or agent [P. 2, 3, 18 cp. 1, 4, 42). Yet its start- ing-point is rather the conception of accompaniment, and it is for this reason some claim for it the name of sociative.) Nor can there be any doubt, the suf- fixes, by which the third case is made, viz. bhi and á, convey the meaning of accompaniment, simultaneous- ness and nearness 58. I. Sociative. The instrumental is the equivalent Instro- mental, of our with = together with, accompanied by. In this manner the when third case is used f. i. Panc. I, 305 mm ya qu: apagdata socia- tive. merga: q: g: (deer seek after the comradeship with deer, so kine with kine and horse with horse, the fool with the fool and the wise with the wise). a.) with prepo- Upon the whole however, the instrumental, when sitions. sociative, is accompanied by some word expressive of 1) This tenet has been laid down by B. DELBRUCK in his pathmaking treatise Ablativ, Localis, Instrumentalis, 1867.