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§ 60-61. 45 uniting, combining, mingling are often construed with the sole instrumental, even in prose. This construction is the regular one with and its derivates. s Examples: a.) compounds, commencing by & etc. Daç. 79 : if, Hitop. p. 16 aluat kate qua (there is not in this world a man more happy, than he, who has a friend to converse with), Çâk. IV, vs. 12 aña áfènant zaxıfòcht (a jas- mine, clinging to a mango-tree). Mrech. I, p. 34 prane. b.) other verbs of uniting, mingling, combining. M. 1, 26 saam: gagan: :, Panc, 274 asfù castrat fafad: (mixed with his kinsmen), Çak. I, vs. 30 and Asaf -; (she does not join her voice to mine). SE m In- strum. Rem. 1. is often Lat. afficere alqum alqua re. So Mhbh. I (Paushyap.) fo-chan atafan da (it was not his intention to harass his pupils), op. R. 2, 75, 57. Many times it is to bestow something upon somebody", f.i. Panc. 3 at mauna asawa (I will bestow a hundred of grants upon you). Rem. 2. P. 2, 3, 22 mentions the verb , complying with ace. or instrum., but instances of that idiom seem to be wanting in literature; Patanjali gives the example fart or falsa, but it is not plain what is here the meaning of A similar instrum. depending on a compound verb, commencing by , is taught by. Pân. 1, 3, 55 and his commentators, see Pat. I, p, 284. According to them it is said autoài dªca Évaz »he makes presents to a servant-maid, to a female of low-caste, etc." the instr. 61. being used only in the case of illicit intercourse. m The instrumental attends on the adjectives of equality, P.2, 3, or ge- likeness, identity and the like, as , , HEY, 4A, 4417, 72. nitive 9 with adij. of. Here however the genitive is a concurrent like- ness, construction, just as in Latin. It is said promiscuously equali- ty, etc. fact Tag: or far 44: ga: Examples: R. 2, 118, 35 (equal to Indra), Hit. I, 22 qufù: amm: (like beasts), Hit. p. 118 vàa aguì cîìà a vat a ufa-