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§ 73-74. layout (he is surpassing all his citizens by his birth, his wealth and his being the king's confident), Çak. Vaffe t fa affard stuur fe (the tree does tolerate the ardent glow of the sun on its summit to assuage by its shade the heat of those who come to it for shelter). In the last example, the instr. Tu may also be accepted as the instrument. In practice, indeed, the different shades of the bow-case do not show themselves so sharply, as they are exhibited by the standard-types, cp. 64. Rem. 1. Concurrent idioms denoting the side by which, are the ablative and the locative, ospecially if it be wanted to express the points of comparison. It is even allowed to use them side by side. So R. 1, 17, 13 two instrumentals are used together with an abl. (F), Mhbh. 1, 16, 9 they range with a locative ( gfal aà agganfaat aà en agera). 20. Rem. 2. The instrumental is of necessity, when naming the P. 2, 3, part of the body, by which one suffers, as n : (blind of one eye), fur ghf@i:, đần get. Ch. Up, 2, 19, 2 đ vả đa điện fagfa (be who knows so, is not crippled in any limb). Rem. 3. With comparatives and the like the instrumental is equivalent to the Latin ablativus mensurae. Daç. 73 fa: (by how much is duty superior to interest and pleasure ?), Utp. on Varâh. Brhats (translation of Kern p. 7) won't be pat- afsusduntatgoff (such a planet moves so many yojanas 74. above the terrestrial globe). Special The instrumental is used in many idiomatic turns, con- struc- tion. 54 most of which belong to the general heads described in the preceding paragraphs. Of them the most impor- tant are: 1. to honour, to favour-, to attend on with. Çak. I f keranakgat dan alraniyenaskant: (we want to wait upon you with a new drama etc.), Panc. III, 139 34fdffufaa: (80. mida )


2. to swear-, to conjure by. R. 2, 48, 23 g (we swear; even by our children); Mrech. III (p. 126) at anfactsfer; S