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§ 87-88. 65 by the dative of a nomen actionis, the other by an infinitive. The third concurrent idiom is using peri- phrase by means of such words as *99, faidy for the sake of." Prabodh. V, p. 100 nafa à¿Â‹ ada metui air (the systems [of philosophy] keep together for the sake of guarding the Veda and combating the party of the atheists). Other examples of the infinitive-like dative. - Panc, 58 qeru offud:, Prabodh. V, p. 113 ari ang onforund unifany: (now, let us plunge into the Ganges for the bathing-ceremony for our kinsmen), Hitop. 7 mont antrenatuana wa u (you have full power to instruct these my sons in the doctrine of politics so as you like best), Ven. I, p. 24 à à à: mladizora, Kathâs. 26, 33 fegar ander sunt douri amuka è….… faent américa: (thank God, that is the town, for attaining which I have placed myself on the back of this bird), Målat. VI, p. 87 ..... « Kẩm, I, 66 fauna , Mrech. VII (p. 238) agatana (till .we meet again). TIT 88. Some idioms, though implied by the general descrip- tion, given in the preceding paragraph, are worth special notice. » 1. The datives of abstract nouns, when expressing to serve to, to conduce. to." They often make up the whole predicate. Examples: Pat. I, 11 a aa a aa (v. a. it is neither good nor evil), Panc. III, 103 acts: quanar (even if weak amera apa13-4, ibid. p. 192 ma agaì fand van people keep together, it may afford protection). Op. the marriage- mantra in Açv. Grhy. 1, 7, 3 un à unana gay (I take your hand for happiness'sake).. Compare Latin haec res tibi est laudi. »to turn, to change into", acred Similarly with dat. www (to suit) see 85. Rem. 1. A vårtt. on Pân. 2, 3, 13 gives a special rule on the