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3. The „Left Wing“ in the Trade Unions.

Now, turning to the workers' side, the severest experiences of the class struggle on the one hand, and the revolutionary propaganda on the other, threw a cold light on the minds of the oppressed. They gradually began to put their eyes upon the fundamental cause of their present agony—the Capitalist System, and upon the gospel of freeing themselves completely from the fetter of the system—Communism. Thus, for the first time, Communism or Socialism rightly came down from being the monopoly of the intelligentsia into the possession of the proletarians themselves. To-day everybody can observe this new or revolutionary tendency in the labour movement, as revealed in various[1] declarations of the Trade Unions, in their uncompromising attitude to the master class, and in their deep hatred to Parliament.

In August 1920, for instance, each leader of the Yuai-kai, The Shinyu-kai, the Seishin-kai, the Transport Workers', Japanese Watch, Makers' Union, worked as a member of the Organising Committee of Socialist Federation. December, many rank and file members of labour organisations joined the Federation. At the Conference of the Yuai-kai, October, the „Left Wing“ or the Direct Actionist won in a debate—„Direct action or Parliamentalism“.

This the latest tendency—above all the „Left Wing“ fraction which is steadily taking in power inside the Trade Unions, though the great bulk of the masses having nothing to do with it. The time this tendency will take more definite shape, evolve in the acute Communist movement, and lead the whole. of the west into it, of course

    fixed for the inauguration, but, in anticipation of being broken up by police, it was unexpectedly (to police) held on the previous day. At the propaganda meetings on the following day, not less than 50 Socialists were arrested under a charge of seditious action. The Federation claims 2000 members over the country, publishing a monthly „The Socialism“ which is the renamed The New Society. Address. 19 Shinsaurada cho.

  1. For example: „Through the long and bitterest experiments, We, Japanese workers, learned that the function of Trade Unions is to strike at the nucleus of Capitalist System. Now the time is approaching when we shake off the yoke of the wage-slavery system—Capitalism“, (from „The Labour“, the official organ of Yuai-kai, published in Jan 1921). „Remember that our urgent demand—Eight hours day and other improvement of our conditions—is nothing more than a first step. Our final aim is upon the complete overthrow of the present wage system itself“, (from „The Fraternity“, the official organ of Shinyu-kai, published in Jan. 1921).