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not obliged to be up at six o'clock to work; and what is the odds of having a few matters to do on the Sunday morning? I think, Bob, you have been among the religious folks, and they are making you as stiff and precise as themselves. I hope you are not going to turn Methodist—they are a set of unhappy people, and want to make every body as melancholy as they are. I was just going to ask you to join a pleasant party, to take a little recreation on the water to-morrow. There is Sam Flight, and his wife—Tom Worthy, and his sweet-heart—me and my wife—you and your's—but I suppose, from what you have just now said about the Sunday, it is of no use asking you.

Rob. None at all. You must know there are many strong reasons why I cannot consent to violate and profane the Lord's day.

Wm Violate and profane the Lord's day!—What! To take a little innocent recreation after slaving hard all the week—do you call this violating and profaning the Lord's day?

Rob. Indeed I do; and I dont know how any one can call it otherwise, who thinks rightly on this matter. I will give you some of my reasons for saying so, if you will hear them.

Wm. I should like to hear what mighty reason you can give, why a man should not take a little pleasure, only because it happens to be on a Sunday.

Rob. Well then you must know, first of all, that the Sabbath-day was intended by the Almighty, to be a day of rest and cessation from labour, as we read Genesis ii. 3. "And God blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it; because that in it he had rested from all his work." Now what you propose as recreation, is in fact,