Page:Saunders - Beautiful Joe, 1893.djvu/226

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"Barron is gone," he said, and crumpling up a piece of paper, he put it in his pocket. "What is to be done for these animals? There is a cow, isn't there?"

He stepped to the door of the log hut, glanced in, and said, quickly: "Do you feel able to drive home?"

"Yes," said Miss Laura.

"Sure?" and he eyed her anxiously.

"Yes, yes," she returned, "what shall I get?"

"Just tell father that Barron has run away and left a starving pig, cow, and horse. There's not a thing to eat here. He'll know what to do. I'll drive you to the road."

Miss Laura got into the buggy and Mr. Harry jumped in after her. He drove her to the road and put down the bars, then he said: "Go straight on. You'll soon be on the open road, and there's nothing to harm you. Joe will look after you. Meanwhile I'll go back to the house and heat some water."

Miss Laura let Fleetfoot go as fast as he liked on the way home, and it only seemed a few minutes before we drove into the yard. Adèle came out to meet us. "Where's uncle?" asked Miss Laura.

"Gone to de big meadow," said Adèle.

"And auntie?"

"She had de colds and chills, and entered into de bed to keep warm. She lose herself in sleep now. You not go near her."

"Are there none of the men about?" asked Miss Laura.

"No, mademoiselle. Dey all occupied way off."

"Then you help me, Addle, like a good girl," said Miss Laura, hurrying into the house. "We've found a sick horse and cow. What shall I take them?"