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hind the tears her green eyes held a glitter that did not reassure him. He wondered if she knew how much her silence meant to him—and decided that she probably did.

"You've taken Al away from me," she sobbed. "So now you'll have to take care of me the way he did."

"Shut up!" snapped Tony. "I'm going to. Let's rent a nice little flat to-day."

Thus within the space of twenty-four hours, Tony Guarino killed his first man, joined a regular gang and took unto himself a common law wife. Events move rapidly in underworld neighborhoods.

Tony didn't intend to move away from home himself just yet; it wouldn't look right to his folks.

Again he crossed the deadline between the domains governed by the Irish and those governed by the Wops, and started for O'Hara's saloon. A heavy car drew up to the curb and stopped with a screeching of brakes.

"Hey, Kid!" shouted a raucous voice. "C'mere."

Tony's first impulse was to run, but having recognized the car as one of those from the Detective Bureau, he realized that to do so would mean being shot. So he walked over to them.

"Get in!" commanded a burly brute.