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"June? When did you and June git so thick?"

"We ain' thick."

"Well, take em off."

She hesitated, he had no right to order her around like a dog. Then the necklace seemed suddenly hateful. She unhooked it and started to throw it into the fire but July stopped her. "Go put em in de trunk and keep em in de trunk lessen I tell you to take em out. Is you hear me?"

If July would only have sat still long enough for her to talk to him, she could have made up with him, but as soon as he ate, he got his hat and left the house. Later on, when he came in and went to bed, she tried to talk but he pretended he was asleep.

Sunday morning he seemed more like himself, and then she tried to tell him she was still young, and liked to go somewhere now and then, to meeting or to a birth-night supper, or to Grab-All, just for a little pleasure. He ought to be glad for her to go. As soon as she began to talk, he shut up as tight as a clam, and in a little while he got his hat and left.

When night fell Doll came by on her way to meeting and Mary wrapped the baby up and went with her. She was not spying on July for be had disappeared down the street going toward