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heart made her come along to keep Mary company. Her limping steps were uneven and slow as the two of them walked slowly down the street together.

The road lay cool and white in the moonlight. A breeze sweet with honey from the September blossoms fanned Mary's face. A late courting mocking-bird sang in a honeysuckle vine fit to split his throat. "Summer is over soon, winter is just round de corner," Maum Hannah called to him, but the bird sang more blithely than ever. Crickets chirred and chirred.

Black moon shadows were dancing in Mary's yard, and their strange antics made her halt. She hated to step on moon shadows.

"Honey,——" Maum Hannah stopped too. "You git some clothes fo Unex and come sleep to my house to-night. I ain' satisfy fo you to stay home here all by yousef."

Mary shook her head and thanked the kind old soul. She had better stay home to-night. July might get a boat and paddle home up de river. She'd hate for him not to find her at home and the house locked up.

Maum Hannah caught in her breath. She started to say something, then changed her mind. "Do like you think best, honey. Stay home if you want to. Budda Ben'll come sleep here to