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ting, any time, please callon me. Budda Ben is so crippled, e can' get around, not so fast dese days."

"Tank you kindly, June," she answered huskily.

"Is you got plenty o wood to keep you fire burnin?"

"Plenty. Budda Ben cut em fo me."

June was a sinner and he seldom went to meeting or church, but his heart was soft and kind. "Is dey anyting I can do fo you? I'd be glad to stay."

"No, Budda Ben is gwine to stay wid me, but sit down, till e comes."

As he sat beside her the narrow step creaked with his weight. He rested his arms on his knees with his head hunched low between his big stooping shoulders. Mary couldn't talk, and they sat silent until June cleared his throat and shifted awkwardly.

"I doubt if July is gwine to get away from Cinder anytime soon, Si May-e."

Mary couldn't answer that and presently he went on, "If I was you, I wouldn' fret 'bout em. You don' have to need fo nothin; you got plenty o friends here to help you long."

"I know dat, June."

"I draws wages and rations too, evy Sat'day