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read his name out and the damned fat black pastor stood up in the pulpit and told him to get on his knees and pray until he got forgiveness. It was a sin and a shame. A piece of low-down meanness. Maum Hannah had broken down and cried.

He could hear her crying in the night last night, crying all by herself, begging God to forgive him and have mercy on him, when he had not done a thing but tell what God himself loves, the truth. Those children were devils, Everybody in the Quarters knew it. Andrew and Doll knew it too.

"But I hear-say you got so vexed you cussed all de deacons right in de Friday night meetin, Budda." Mary said it kindly, gently, but Ben was struck all but dumb with fresh rage.

"No, I ain' cussed em nuttin. Whoever say I cussed all de deacons Friday night—whoever say sich a ting is a—a——"

Ben's voice was too hoarse to be shrill, and it broke into a fierce squeak. Mary put her hand on his shoulder and patted it. "Hush, Budda—hush! You ain' hurtin a soul but yousef now. Not a soul. You has talked enough ugly talk dis mornin to send you to Hell. Fo Gawd's sake stop it. You's a fallen member now, but don' fret about it. Abusin de deacons ain' gwine put